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40 Ucapan Selamat Wisuda Bahasa Inggris, Menginspirasi!

Ucapan selamat wisuda yang penuh makna

ilustrasi wisuda sarjana (pexels.com/Vantha Thang)

Momen wisuda menjadi hari yang begitu bermakna. Hari kelulusan menjadi bukti kerja keras menyelesaikan studi sekaligus momen untuk menggapai impian yang baru.

Memberikan ucapan selamat kepada orang terdekat diwisuda tentu bisa menambah kebahagiaan mereka. Tidak perlu bingung, kirimkan saja ucapan selamat wisuda bahasa Inggris ini!

1. Ucapan selamat wisuda bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat, beri pujian untuk mereka yang sudah berjuang keras!

Ilustrasi momen wisuda (unsplash.com/tai ngo)

"You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. Happy graduation, my friend!"

"It’s official: you’re now too cool for school. Congrats for your grduation!"

"Many wishes for you on your graduation. You have done the impossible my friend. You did a really good job!"

"Finally all of your hard work is paying off my friend. Congrats for the happy day and cheers to the next step."

"Caps off to you, Graduate! Way to go!"

2. Ikut bahagia di momen wisuda, jangan lupa ungkapkan betapa bangganya kamu

Ilustrasi momen wisuda (pexels.com/Abdulla Hafeez)

"We praise you for your efforts, and send good wishes too, for a future filled with happiness and your fondest dreams come true. Happy graduation!"

"Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! Looking back, it was all worth it. Wishing you the best in the wonderful path you have chosen."

"You have worked so hard. It is time to celebrate your graduation. You have made us all very proud. Best of luck for your future."

"Congratulations for your graduation! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Remember to go after what you want and to stay humble along the way."

"Congratulations on your big day! We knew you could do it!"

Baca Juga: 5 Tips Mendapatkan Foto Wisuda dengan Hasil Terbaik

3. Kelulusan bukanlah akhir, tapi bisa jadi awalan baru untuk meraih mimpi yang lebih tinggi

Ilustrasi momen wisuda (unsplash.com/darlene)

"Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future."

"Congrats for your graduation! Wishing that brighter opportunities come your way and you achieve success in all of them!"

"I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known."

"Congratulations on graduating! This is just the beginning, you are a star in the making. Shine on brighter!"

"Congratulations on graduating and here's to your next adventure!"

4. Ucapan selamat wisuda berisi doa untuk kesuksesan yang akan datang

ilustrasi perayaan wisuda (pexels.com/Joshua Mcknight)

"Congratulations graduate! My highest hopes that you will continue such success and will succeed in your future life. Let’s celebrate."

"Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next mission. It's just a new beginning."

"Seeing you achieving your goal and fulfilling your dream gives me so much joy. I cannot express in words how happy I’m for you. There is a long way, and you’ll be more successful."

"Congratulations on you graduation. I am sure enough that you will carry on with even more successes. Good luck to you."

"Cheers to the new graduate! Best wishes for your future!"

5. Ucapan selamat wisuda dengan selipan canda, buat kamu yang gak serius-serius amat

Ilustrasi momen wisuda (pexels.com/Godisable Jacob)

"Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you. Happy graduation!"

"Congratulations on your graduation! Remember, when it comes to applying for jobs, books ARE judged by their cover!"

"As you graduate today, don't forget to thank those who got you here, google, wikipedia, and copy paste."

"Happy graduation! Congratulations on getting through easiest part of life."

"Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen!"

"Now it's official: you're too cool for school. Congratulations!"

"Now that you've graduated, you may be smart enough to work out how to pay your student loans. Congrats!"

"Do you realize that now you're going to get paid to work instead of paying for work!? Congrats!"

"Call it graduation, call it a beginning or, in your case, call it a miracle! Congrats buddy!"

"Hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life. Congrats!"


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