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35 Kata-Kata Bijak Paus Fransiskus yang Menenangkan Hati

Kata-kata yang bikin hati adem banget

potret Paus Fransiskus (instagram.com/franciscus)

Puas Fransiskus melakukan perjalanan Apostolik dan mengunjungi Indonesia sebagai salah satu tujuannya. Sebagai Sang Pimpinan Tertinggi Gereja Katolik sedunia, Paus Fransiskus adalah sosok yang disegani. Ia dikenal sering menyebarkan pesan kebaikan, toleransi, kasih, harapan, dan keimanan.

Kata-kata Paus Fransiskus sering kali menenangkan dan menghangatkan bagi seluruh umat manusia. Berikut kata-kata bijak Paus Fransiskus yang bisa dijadikan pengingat dalam menjalani hidup. Simak di bawah ini, ya!

1. Kata-kata bijak Paus Fransiskus tentang kehidupan

ilustrasi kehidupan (pixabay.com/Jplenio)

1. "The true joy of life comes from our encounters with others."

2. "May we never become too busy for the next person."

3. "Let us not fall into humiliation, but rather embrace humility."

4. "The world needs saints who love with a big heart."

5. "We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love.  Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace."

6. "We all have the duty to do good."

7. "Respecting one's own path doesn't mean forgetting everyone else. Our task is to walk together."

8. "Life is a journey, and when we stop, things don't go right."

9. "God's mercy flows like a river."

10. "A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just."

2. Kata-kata bijak Paus Fransiskus tentang Tuhan dan iman

ilustrasi spiritualitas (pexels.com/Ricky Esquivel)

1. "The Lord never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy."

2. "The culture of encounter demands that we be ready not only to give, but also to receive."

3. "We must never forget that true power, at any level, is service."

4. "Do not be afraid to go and to bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away, most indifferent."

5. "To change the world, we must be good to those who cannot repay us."

6. "God always wants to give good things, but he asks us to open our hearts to his love."

7. "God's love is not some generic love; it is personal, it is for me and for you."

8. "Each one of us can become a channel of God's peace."

9. "The real power is not in money and weapons, but in dialogue, in the encounter between different cultures and religions."

10. "To be saints is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone."

11. "God loves us. May we discover the beauty of loving and being loved."

Baca Juga: 80 Kata-Kata Motivasi Cinta yang Bijak, Bikin Merenung

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