5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Tema

Bisa untuk referensi tugas sekolah

Saat di bangku sekolah, kamu pasti sudah pernah belajar tentang procedure text. Bahkan, kamu dapat menemui jenis teks ini pada dibungkus makanan hingga obat. Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan instruksi terkait cara untuk membuat sesuatu. 

Tentunya, procedure text bertujuan untuk menjelaskan terkait cara membuat sesuatu atau langkah-langkah yang dilakukan. Sementara itu, struktur dari procedure text tersusun atas tiga bagian, yakni goal, materials, dan steps.

Nah, untuk memahami lebih jelas tentang procedure text, simak sederet contoh procedure text dalam berbagai tema berikut ini. Check this out!

1. How to make kimchi fried rice

5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Temailustrasi nasi goreng kimchi (pixabay.com/Sharon Ang)

Mengingat orang Indonesia begitu menyukai makanan Korea, tak ada salahnya mencoba memasak kimchi fried rice atau nasi goreng kimchi. Adapun cara membuatnya yang dilansir Maangchi.com adalah sebagai berikut:


  • 3 bowls steamed rice (3 cups)
  • 1 cup chopped kimchi (should be aged, well-fermented and sour)
  • ¼ cup kimchi juice (spicy red juice from a jar of kimchi)
  • ¼ cup water
  • 2-3 tablespoons gochujang
  • 3 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
  • 1 sheet of gim, roasted and shredded into seaweed strips


  1.  Heat up a wide, flat pan or skillet. Add the vegetable oil.
  2. Add the kimchi and stir fry for 1 minute over medium-high heat.
  3. Add rice, kimchi juice, water, and gochujang. Stir all the ingredients together for about 7 minutes with a wooden spoon.
  4. Add sesame oil and remove from the heat.
  5. Garnish with sprinkled chopped green onion, roasted gim, and sesame seeds. Serve right away.

2. How to make instant oatmeal and honey mask

5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Temailustrasi bahan masker oatmeal (pexels.com/karyna-panchenko)

Kamu juga dapat membuat masker sendiri untuk merawat kesehatan kulit wajah dari oatmeal. Nah, berikut ini cara membuat masker wajah dari oatmeal yang dikutip dari Byrdie.com. Cekidot!


  •  1 serving oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Cook one serving of oatmeal.
  2. Add two tablespoons of honey to hot oatmeal.
  3. Allow the oatmeal to cool and then apply to the face.
  4. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with tepid water.

3. How to make a fluffy slime

5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Temailustrasi fluffy slime (pexels.com/cottonbro)

Daripada membeli, kamu bisa membuat sendiri slime yang fluffy. Adapun cara membuat slime dilansir bbcgoodfood.com adalah sebagai berikut. Yuk, cek di bawah ini!

What you need:

  • 100ml PVA white glue (children’s craft glue or CE marked glue)
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • gel food coloring
  • 1 tsp contact lens cleaning solution
  • glitter (optional)

How to make:

  1. Squeeze the glue into a mixing bowl (look for a bottle in a 100ml size if possible so you won’t have to measure it out).
  2. Add the bicarbonate of soda and mix well.
  3. Add a drop or two of your chosen gel food coloring. Less coloring gives a pastel color; the more you add, the brighter the color.
  4. Mix until well incorporated.
  5. Add the contact lens solution and mix. The slime will begin to form, going stringy before coming away clean from the bowl into a ball.
  6. Once it has formed, take it out and knead it with your hands. It will be sticky at first but after about 30 seconds you’ll have a smooth and pliable ball.
  7. Add glitter at this point, if desired, and work in with your hands.
  8. Store in a pot with a lid.

Baca Juga: 3 Fungsi Fakta dalam Teks Eksplanasi, Cari Tahu yuk!

4. How to use chopsticks

5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Temailustrasi makan menggunakan sumpit (pixabay.com/Shutterbug75)

Sudah tahukah kamu cara memegang sumpit yang benar, nih? Jika belum, maka kamu bisa menyimak cara-caranya di bawah yang dilansir foodnetwork.com, nih.

How to use:

  1. Place the bottom chopstick. Let the back end of it rest in the crevice between your thumb and index finger, and the front end rest on bottom of your ring finger. Lay your thumb over the chopstick.
  2. Place the top chopstick. Keeping your thumb straight, hold the top chopstick like a pen and place it in the space between the top knuckle of your middle finger and the tip of your index finger.
  3. Keep the bottom chopstick fixed at all times while only moving the top chopstick. To move the bottom chopstick, bend your middle and index fingers (while not bending your thumb).

5. How to use Chat GPT

5 Contoh Procedure Text Berbagai Temailustrasi menggunakan Chat GPT (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadi)

Mengingat Chat GPT begitu viral belakangan ini, sudah tahukah kamu cara memakainya? Simak cara menggunakan Chat GPT dilansir jagranjosh.com berikut ini.

How to use:

  1. The first step to use chat CGP is to sign up on OpenAI and create an account on it. Visit https://chat.openai.com/auth/login. 
  2. The following page will appear on your screen once you visit the OpenAI website. Click on the signup option. The following page will appear on your screen. Click on the sign-up option.  In case the website is taking time to load, then refresh the page or check back after some time. 
  3. After you have successfully signed up for ChatGPT, the next step is to verify your account. If you signed up through your email id then a verification email will be sent to your inbox. Follow the link sent to your mobile phone and complete the verification process. Fill up the details asked and proceed. 
  4. After you have successfully created an account on Chat GPT, then the Chat GPT is free to use. 

Nah, itulah dia sederet contoh procedure text dalam berbagai tema, mulai dari membuat nasi goreng kimchi hingga cara menggunakan Chat GPT. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi untuk tugas sekolah, ya!

Baca Juga: Struktur Teks Editorial, Ciri-ciri, dan Contohnya


  • Bella Manoban
  • Febriyanti Revitasari
  • Retno Rahayu

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