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3 Contoh Teks MC dalam Bahasa Inggris, dengan Berbagai Agenda Acara

Bisa jadi referensi ketika menjadi MC acara, nih!

ilustrasi Master of Ceremony (pexels.com/Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent)

Dalam sebuah acara tidak lengkap tanpa adanya MC atau master of ceremony. Tugas dari MC adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab dalam memandu sebuah acara mulai dari awal hingga akhir acara. Agar selama proses acara dapat berjalan dengan kondusif dan lancar. 

Tidak hanya itu, MC juga harus mempersiapkan teks MC selama acara berlangsung. Kali ini ada beberapa contoh teks MC dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai acara. Apa saja ya? Simak penjalasan di bawah!

1. Graduation ceremony (acara perpisahan sekolah/wisuda)

ilustrasi para wisudawan (pexels.com/Emily Ranquist)

Contoh teks MC Bahasa Inggris mengenai graduation ceremony (acara wisuda), sebagai berikut.

Good morning/afternoon/evening, distinguished guests,

First of all, as the MC, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the invited guests, parents, families, friends, and of course, our esteemed graduates. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your MC for today's graduation ceremony, guiding you through the event with enthusiasm and warmth.

This graduation ceremony is a very special moment for all of us. Today, we celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the graduates who have completed their education at the esteemed [Name of School].

Let's follow today's graduation ceremony program. Here is the agenda we will be following:


  • Opening by the MC:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats as the graduation ceremony is about to begin. Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your host for today's event. To start, let's sing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya."

  • National Anthem:

[Singing National Anthem: Indonesia Raya]

Welcome Speeches.

  • Speech by the Rector/Principal:

Next, let's hear the welcome speech from our Rector/Principal, [Name of Rector/Principal]. Please welcome.

[Rector/Principal's Speech]

  • Speech by a Representative of the Faculty/Teachers:

Thank you, [Name of Rector/Principal], for the welcome speech. Next, let's hear a speech from a representative of the faculty/teachers, [Name of Faculty/Teacher Representative]. Please welcome.

Congratulatory Messages.

  • Congratulatory Message by a Family Representative:

Thank you, [Name of Faculty/Teacher Representative], for the speech. Next, let's hear a congratulatory message from a representative of the graduates' families. Please welcome [Name of Family Representative].

[Congratulatory Message by Family Representative]

  • Congratulatory Message by a Classmate Representative:

Thank you, [Name of Family Representative], for the message. Next, let's hear a congratulatory message from a representative of the graduates' classmates. Please welcome [Name of Classmate Representative].

[Congratulatory Message by Classmate Representative]

Awards and Special Recognitions.

  • Award for Outstanding Students:

"Thank you, [Name of Classmate Representative], for the message. Next, we will present awards to outstanding students. Please welcome [Name of Award Presenter] to present the awards."

[Award Presentation]

  • Special Recognition for Students with Extraordinary Contributions:

"Next, we will present special recognition to students with extraordinary contributions. Please welcome [Name of Award Presenter]."

[Special Recognition Presentation]

Announcement of Graduates.

  • Announcement of Graduates:

"Thank you, [Name of Award Presenter], for the presentation. Now, we will move to the announcement of the graduates' names and the awarding of diplomas. Please welcome [Name of Announcer]."

[Announcement of Graduates and Awarding of Diplomas]

Speech by Top Graduates.

  • Speech by the Top Graduates:

"Thank you, [Name of Announcer], for the announcements. Next, let's hear a speech from the top graduates. Please welcome [Name of Top Graduate]."

[Speech by Top Graduate]

Farewell Speech.

  • Farewell Speech by a Student Representative:

"Thank you, [Name of Top Graduate], for the speech. Now, let's hear a farewell speech from a representative of the graduates. Please welcome [Name of Student Representative]."

[Farewell Speech by Student Representative]


  • Closing Remarks by the MC:

"Thank you, [Name of Student Representative], for the farewell speech. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of our program. As the MC, [Your Name], I would like to thank you for your attention and presence."

  • Closing Prayer:

"Let's close this graduation ceremony with a prayer led by [Name of Prayer Leader]. Please welcome."

[Closing Prayer]

  • National Anthem:

[National Anthem: Indonesia Raya]

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks MC Perpisahan Sekolah, Bisa Jadi Bahan Inspirasi

2. School art performance (pentas seni sekolah)

ilustrasi pentas seni sekolah (pexels.com/Vlad Vasnetsov)

 Contoh teks MC Bahasa Inggris mengenai school art performance (pentas seni sekolah), sebagai berikut.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good evening and best wishes to all of us. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your host for tonight's special school arts performance event at SMA Negeri 2 Samarinda. First, allow me to extend my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the organization of this event.

This school arts performance event is held to appreciate the talents and creativity of students at SMA Negeri 2 Samarinda. It also aims to provide a platform for them to express their interests and passions in the arts, as well as to foster a sense of community among us.

To start this event, let's all stand to sing the national anthem of Indonesia, "Indonesia Raya."

[Singer or choir sings "Indonesia Raya"]

Thank you for your participation in singing our national anthem. Next, let's take a look at the program schedule for this evening:


  • Opening remarks and introduction by the MC.
  • Prayer reading by one of the participants.


  • Band performance.
  • Dance Performances
  • Traditional dance.
  • K-POP dance.
  • Choir performance.
  • Collaborative musical drama.


  • Announcement of art competition winners.
  • Closing remarks and thanks by the MC

This is the program schedule for tonight. I hope we all enjoy every performance presented. I remind all participants to give their best in every performance, and to all attendees, let's provide sincere appreciation for their efforts.

Without further ado, let's begin this art performance event. Thank you for your attention and participation. Enjoy your evening!

That's all, and thank you.

Verified Writer

Chand Pangestu

writing is healing | IG: nulisbarengchan

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